Calendr / Calendar



Summer (Outdoor) Meetings 2024

Summer meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month from April until September at the Association apiary or different member apiaries in the area.

We are always looking for new apiaries to visit, if you would like to host one of the 2024 apiary meetings get in touch with, and benefit by having a group of beekeepers come and help you out for an afternoon. 

Date Time Description & Location   
April  2pm (12:30pm for beginners)  Cancelled


 Association Apiary
June  2pm  (1pm for beginners)  Jack Bee's Apiary - Ceunant
July  2pm  Criccieth Allotments' Apiary - Criccieth
August  2pm (1pm for beginners)  Rob & Julie Davies' Apiary - Llannor
September    2pm  Association Apiary


Further details will be added neared the meeting


Winter (Indoor) Meetings 2024

 Winter indoor meetings are usually held on the third Thursday evenings of the month
from October to March (but not December) 

Next Meeting - Thursday 17th October

Speaker: Dr Derek Mitchell - Profile

"Trees v Hives" - Based on Dr Mitchell's two most recent papers showing how trees are very different thermally from hives, how hives are performing and how beekeepers might help to make their hives more amenable to the requirements of the bees.


Winter (Indoor) Meetings 2024

 Date  Topic
 Thursday 17th October  See above
 Thursday 21st November  AGM and Christmas Dinner
 December  No Meeting


Please contact our secretary for further information on any of the meetings.

Potential New Members may attend one meeting to see how they get on before joining.